Monday, 28 October 2013

Computer tool aids Troy Police in crime fighting

TROY - Police are hoping to take a big bite out of crime with something known as "crime mapping." It is not exactly new, but they say Troy's crime mapping system is the most customer-friendly they've been able to find.

Police say you can look at their website and it will show each and every crime that's been committed in the city of Troy, except for domestic and sex crimes, and, if you want the service, they will even send you an e-mail alert when a crime occurs near your home.

"Basically, you can give us your e-mail address and say to us: send me all information about certain types of crimes that are committed within, say, 1,000 feet of my house,” said Andrew Wheeler, a Troy Police Department crime analyst.

“We are looking forward to making a huge dent in crime with this,” said Troy Police Captain John Cooney.

Cooney hopes the new crime-mapping website will encourage more citizens to fight crime. He says many crimes are committed in the city’s North Central sector.

"We really do hope that this encourages citizens to be more involved and this will lead to much more awareness,” says Cooney.

On the flip side, the crime-mapping also tells cops where to patrol while they are "walking the beat" or driving a patrol car

"Police can look at the number of burglaries on the map at People's Avenue and they can decide how many police to send there or maybe the detective division wants to decide that they might be able to see if all the crimes are committed by one person in that area,” says Wheeler.

Source: WNYT