Thursday, 31 October 2013

How the iPod President Crashed: Obama's Broken Technology Promise

In the 2008 election, President Obama’s advisers talked of their boss’s belief that it was time for an “iPod government.” Obama, a technology addict who tools around on his iPad before going to sleep and who fought the U.S. Secret Service bureaucracy for the right to carry a smartphone, would be the first president truly at home in the Digital Age. That put him, he thought, in a unique...

Lowe, father of IBM personal computer, dies at 72

William C. Lowe had a bold idea: IBM should develop a personal computer that could be mass marketed, expanding the company's reach beyond businesses and into people's homes. That was in 1980. One year later, the IBM 5150 personal computer was selling out at stores such as Sears and ComputerLand for $1,565, not including a monitor. Lowe, who was credited with fostering collaboration within...

Sprint's 'Spark' technology enables cellular data speeds of up to 60Mbps

Sprint claims it has developed a new wireless technology that could allow the carrier to surpass the wireless data speeds of its rivals. Dubbed Sprint Spark, the "super-high-speed" currently reaches peak rates of 50 to 60Mbps, but Sprint insists that number will grow as the technology matures. In fact, to illustrate the progress it's making on that front, Sprint today demonstrated 1Gbps...

Dark Mail Alliance develops surveillance-proof email technology

We wouldn't be surprised if you're looking for a more secure email provider after the whole government surveillance debacle. That's why Lavabit and Silent Circle have joined forces as the Dark Mail Alliance to develop a new snoop-proof email technology. Dark Mail's "Email 3.0" tech applies peer-to-peer encryption not only to the body of the digital missive, but also...

Flying car technology is turning a dream into reality.

The Aeromobil 2.5 prototype made its first public flight in October In 1940 Henry Ford famously said: "Mark my word: A combination airplane and motorcar is coming. You may smile, but it will come." Just nine years later Moulton Taylor had designed and flown his Aerocar, proving the viability of Ford's fantastical concept. But only three models were ever built, and the dream of a viable vehicle...

Apple's New iWork: 3 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back

Apple has -- compared to most technology companies -- nearly unlimited resources. Billions in the bank and plenty of time between upgrades. If Apple can expend resources to shave thickness in 1/100th of a millimeter increments off the iPad to create the iPad Air, the company sure as heck ought to be able to figure out a word processing application. Real updates to Apple's iWork suite of...

How to Prepare for a Power Outage

Hurricane season is under way and winter is coming up in the Northern Hemisphere. There's a good chance the lights will go out sooner or later -- at least for a short time. How to prepare? Well, besides the standard staples such as food and water, you'll probably wish for some lighting and a way to charge your smartphone. Here's how to gear up on the "e" side of things. The Federal Emergency...

Google expands sales of Internet-connected glasses

Amit Singhal, senior vice president of search at Google, holds a Google    Glass as he speaks at the garage where the company was founded on Google's 15th anniversary in Menlo Park, California September 26, 2013. Google Inc has overhauled its search algorithm, the foundation of the Internet's dominant search engine, to better cope with the longer, more complex queries it has been...

3D Printer : Advanced technology

3D printing is a form of additive manufacturing technology where a three dimensional object is created by laying down successive layers of material. 3D printers are generally faster, more affordable and easier to usethan other additive manufacturing technologies. Technology is getting better and better. This is why engineering is so well-payed. If you are some douche bag, I doubt you will understand...

Why Indian companies don’t innovate

A survey of 26 Indian companies by the CII and ITC published last week has found that “most Indian companies are not engaged in sustainable and inclusive innovations”. Typically India may not be known for innovations, but given the huge challenges before it in the coming years, it may have little choice but to develop innovative capabilities in certain areas, it adds. Subroto Bagchi,...

Foxconn wins 4G license in Taiwan.

Taiwan's telecom regulator said Wednesday six companies including technology giant Foxconn have won fourth-generation (4G) mobile spectrum licenses in an auction, with final bids earning the government $4.03 billion.  The final bids in the auction, which began on September 3, totalled Tw$118.65 billion -- more than triple the original offer price set by the government,...

Walking With Dinosaurs: Scientist Reconstruct Argentinosaurus Steps With Powerful Computer Models

A Argentinosaurus huinculensis skeleton at the Museo Municipal Carmen Funes in Argentina Bill Sellers, The University of Manchester For the first time in more than 94 million years, Argentinosaurus is walking again. Granted, the 131-foot-long, 83-ton dinosaur is tramping around on a computer screen, not down the street. But scientists are excited to have resurrected...

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Improve PC Speed ! 10 tips to speed up your computer

Mehsana: Is your pc slow ?? you want to speed up your pc then follow this tips to speed up your computer.  1. Whenever a program runs on your computer, it leaves certain files on your machine which consume a certain portion of disc space. Over a period of time, hundreds of programs run and thousands of files pile up on your device - which eventually decelerate your machine and sometimes...

Tablets: Top 5 tablets with voice calling

If you are in search of good tablets available with voice calling facility than here some good tablets information which will help to find good tablet. Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 310 – Rs 15,999 We've picked the older Galaxy Tab 2 310 over the newer Tab 3 T211. The newer Galaxy Tab 3 T211 handles voice calls quite well, but the overall usage is quite sluggish. Read our review of the Galaxy...